Yelp Reviews Do Not Paint An Accurate Picture Of A Car Shipping Company

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Yelp is a popular online platform that allows users to rate and review various businesses and services, such as restaurants, hotels, shops, salons, etc. Many people use Yelp to find and choose car shipping companies or brokers when they need to ship their cars from one place to another. However, Yelp reviews do not paint an accurate picture of a car shipping company or broker. In this article, we will explain why Yelp reviews are not reliable or trustworthy sources of information and how you can find and choose a reputable and reliable car shipping company or broker.

Why Yelp Reviews Are Not Reliable or Trustworthy

Yelp reviews are not reliable or trustworthy sources of information for several reasons. Some of these reasons are:


Yelp reviews are biased and subjective. The opinions and experiences shared by users in their reviews do not necessarily represent the facts and realities of car shipping companies or brokers. Different users may have varying expectations, preferences and standards when it comes to car shipping leading them to rate and review these companies based on factors rather than their actual performance or quality. It’s also important to consider that some users may have motives or hidden agendas when writing their reviews, such as promoting or demoting specific car shipping companies or brokers for personal gain or interest.


Yelp reviews are inaccurate and incomplete. They do not provide enough or relevant information about the car shipping companies or brokers or their services. Users may not include important details such as the pickup and delivery dates, the vehicle type, the carrier type, the price, the insurance, the contract, etc. Users may also provide incorrect or outdated information that does not reflect the current situation or condition of the car shipping companies or brokers or their services. Users may also exaggerate or understate their experiences or issues that they encountered during transit.


Yelp reviews are manipulated and distorted. They can be influenced or affected by various factors that can alter their authenticity or credibility. For example, users may delete or edit their reviews after they receive a refund, a discount or a compensation from the car shipping companies or brokers. Users may also write fake or fraudulent reviews that are either positive or negative to boost or lower the ratings and rankings of certain car shipping companies or brokers. Users may also write multiple reviews using different accounts or identities to create a false impression of popularity or reputation.

How to Find and Choose a Reputable and Reliable Car Shipping Company or Broker

man searching for a transporter

Finding and choosing a reputable and reliable car shipping company or broker involves following some steps that can help you verify and confirm the quality and reliability of the car shipping company or broker and their service. Some of these steps are:

Do your research

Before you contact any car shipping company or broker, do some research online and offline. Check their websites, social media pages, blogs and testimonials. Check their ratings and reviews on platforms other than Yelp, such as Google, Better Business Bureau, Trustpilot, etc. Check their credentials, licenses, insurance and affiliations. Check their experience, reputation and track record in the industry.

Compare quotes

After you narrow down your list of potential car shipping companies or brokers, contact them and ask for quotes based on your specific needs and preferences. Compare the quotes in terms of price, service, quality and reliability. Don’t just go for the cheapest or the most expensive option. Go for the one that offers the best value for your money.

Ask questions

After you choose a car shipping company or broker that suits your needs and budget, ask them questions to clarify any doubts or concerns that you may have. Ask them about their policies, procedures, guarantees and warranties. Ask them about their pickup and delivery options, schedules and methods. Ask them about their communication and customer service channels. Ask them about their dispute resolution and complaint handling processes.

Read the contract

Before you sign any contract or agreement with a car shipping company or broker, read it carefully and thoroughly. Understand what it covers and what it doesn’t. Understand what your rights and responsibilities are. Understand what the terms and conditions are. Understand what the risks and liabilities are. If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification or explanation.


Yelp reviews do not paint an accurate picture of a car shipping company or broker. They are not reliable or trustworthy sources of information because they are biased, inaccurate and manipulated. Finding and choosing a reputable and reliable car shipping company or broker involves doing your research, comparing quotes, asking questions and reading the contract carefully.

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About the author

"Car rental reviews are an indispensable tool for travelers seeking the best wheels for their journey. These insightful assessments offer valuable insights into the overall customer experience, vehicle condition, and rental agency reliability. By tapping into the collective wisdom of fellow adventurers, one can make well-informed decisions, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride on the road ahead."

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