- www.honestautomovers.com
- 954-993-1120
- Standard Member
516 S Dixie Hwy, Suite 111
West Palm Beach FL, 33401
2.1 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
Very good0%
516 S Dixie Hwy, Suite 111
West Palm Beach FL, 33401
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Mark got the job done where everyone else made empty promises. I needed to transport a car from the Philadelphia area to San Francisco and Mark got it done in 6 days at the quoted price. If you want a friend, buy a dog. If you want it done, call Mark.
PLEASE LOOK AT THE TEXT EXCHANGES I POSTED. I waited over a year to write this review because I wanted to make sure I NEVER hear from this man again. He is scary, dishonest, aggressive, and clearly not in the right frame of mind. In the summer of 2018 my mom did me the favor of looking into having my car shipped for a out of state move as I was planning other aspects of my move. When she heard from “Captain Mark” at Honest Auto Movers, we were still in process of deciding if he was a good fit. Please note: we were NOT referred to him as he claims in his response. *Ultimately we found someone else-please see my glowing review for that company, they were stellar and in no way connected to Captain Mark. Captain Mark’s services were never used for my car, another false claim he makes in his response.* Anyway, when he was informed that we went with someone else, that’s when the harassment started. He called/text my mother on her phone CONSTANTLY and THREATENED her saying he was a federal agent, that he would continue to HARASS her, and threatened us saying my car would never make it to its destination. I got wind of this when I overheard my scared mom on the phone. I took the phone from her and blasted him for his conduct. I have never been so angry or had to raise my voice at someone providing a service. I was beyond enraged because as I was telling him he was out of line, he kept making threats. After I got off the phone with him, he continued contacting my mom (via email and text) to the point where we had to call the police in our area to report it. The police then contacted him and informed him to stop all contact. The police also let me know they felt that he was “off his rocker” and that he was also making grandiose claims to them (he was a millionaire, etc etc). I have included the screenshots of the texts he sent and his email signature to prove those texts came from him directly.
DO A GOOGLE SEARCH ON “Captain Mark Honest Auto Transport” and YOU’LL SEE OTHER ACCOUNTS OF HIS HARASSMENT. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THIS MAN–he is completely out of line on all fronts.
This guy is captain coocoonuts to the max. Will lie non stop and cause drama then insult you for no reason other than what is the lala land in his head.
Also makes bold claims he is a federal officer to intimidate you, however he should realize what he does is immoral, unethical and straight up illegal .
Consider yourself warned and be aware of this person.
I do not even recommend my enemy to deal with his harassment and nonsense. Not worth it at all