- 877-331-3100
- Standard Member
12032 E 46 Terrace
Kansas City MO, 64133
2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
Very good14%
12032 E 46 Terrace
Kansas City MO, 64133
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Terrible service. Avoid this company at all costs. I used them and had the misfortune of dealing with Daniel Espindola when I shipped my car, and he turned out to be unprofessional and completely incompetent. I set up my transport a month in advance, but as my ship/move date approached I had heard nothing from Daniel–no contract, no bill, no itinerary. I had to call him repeatedly and kept getting voicemail, empty assurances, and then attitude from him, and the next thing you know he’s on vacation in Florida and had forgotten all about my car–and I was moving in two days. The last thing you need when moving is to deal with this type of indifference and incompetence. He finally arranged it (and messed up the delivery date I had requested), and subcontracted it off to some other company to drive it up. The driver spoke no English and wouldn’t answer the phone when I called so it was a real pain to arrange the dropoff. What a nightmare. This company is absolutely not recommended. Do yourself a favor and find a company that actually takes pride in its work, for they take none. Post script: Judging by the other reviews here, it looks like their MO is to dismiss negative reviews by pretending they weren’t the company reviewers actually dealt with, but trust me, these negative reviews are spot on from my experience.
Unprepared, unprofessional, rude, inept, and under qualified.
If you are looking for lackluster and subpar, they have you covered.
My company was subcontracted to haul a unit for them. Upon arriving, we were informed the unit had been moved over 2 weeks prior.
Two weeks prior to the dispatch.
Two weeks prior to our arrival.
Two week prior to any follow-up with the end user or the manufacturer.
The arrogant broker on the phone was rude to the driver and the department head at the manufacturer, to the point when the broker hung up, she commented on how rude and gruff he was to the both of us.
As we compared documents, she provided proof it was indeed gone weeks prior to my company’s assignment. The broker in question has no business being in this business or any customer facing business for that matter.
I had spent the last month looking for a car relocation service and it was a huge headache. There were thousands of calls that came in just for putting out a couple of inquiries about availability and pricing for a vehicle pick up in Michigan and drop off in Overland Park. More than anything, I couldn’t trust any of these businesses because they’ll do and say almost anything to close a sale. I didn’t give up hope and kept searching, I tried local listings and found Nations Auto Transport. I called and left a voicemail initially, and they returned my call within the hour. Steve helped me find a driver within 24 hours and my car arrived within 3 business days, including a holiday. Most of all, Steve assured me that Nation’s Auto was on my team and they kept their word. I’m extremely happy with the customer service and timely fashion in which my order took place. I was about to book this transport with a company that wanted to charge me much more to guarantee a delivery within a 2-3 week delivery window. Needless to say, I made the right choice!