- 239-288-7225
- Standard Member
17030 Alico Commerce Ct #301
Fort Myers FL, 33967
3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)
Very good0%
17030 Alico Commerce Ct #301
Fort Myers FL, 33967
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Wouldn’t use them again, they really don’t bring anything to the table other than making a few phone calls for you. Contact a transporter on your own.
When my car went missing they told me I would have to contact the transporter on my own. They did nothing to facilitate or say “hey we’ll take care of this for you”. My car was lost over a weekend and total radio silence from this company. Every interaction/communication I had with them required me to initiate it. Don’t believe any rebuttal they post on here. A 3-day trip took 8 days and I had to handle 75% of the details…
And of course, “We offer no refunds for late transports.” In my business, when I damaged or inconvenienced my customers greatly, I compensated them to some degree to let them know I understood and wanted them back. Not this company ….
Wouldn’t use them again, they really don’t bring anything to the table other than making a few phone calls for you. Contact a transporter on your own.
When my car went missing they told me I would have to contact the transporter on my own. They did nothing to facilitate or say “hey we’ll take care of this for you”. My car was lost over a weekend and total radio silence from this company. Every interaction/communication I had with them required me to initiate it. Don’t believe any rebuttal they post on here. A 3-day trip took 8 days and I had to handle 75% of the details…
And of course, “We offer no refunds for late transports.” In my business, when I damaged or inconvenienced my customers greatly, I compensated them to some degree to let them know I understood and wanted them back. Not this company ….
Great company. I have used them a couple times. Drivers are very responsive. i was given frequent updates.