- (800) 930-7417
- Standard Member
3283 E Warm Springs Rd.
Las Vegas NV, 89120
1.8 out of 5 stars (based on 45 reviews)
Very good9%
3283 E Warm Springs Rd.
Las Vegas NV, 89120
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Going out of business
Central Dispatch has been notified
Broker Bond is pending cancelation and with over 45 new claims
Going out of business
Central Dispatch has been notified
Broker Bond is pending cancelation and with over 45 new claims
I had originally gone with them but ended up switching to a different company. After I had placed my order they assured me that my car would be picked up within 1-5 weekdays. It has been almost a week now and they still haven’t picked up my car. I tried calling them to figure out what was going on but every time I did someone would either pick up and then hang up or I would leave a voice message and no one would call me back. The people that I was able to speak with were pretty nice but I still would not recommend them.