- 818-666-5566
- Standard Member
P.O. Box 8692
Calabasas CA, 91372
1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Very good0%
P.O. Box 8692
Calabasas CA, 91372
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Very disappointing experience with this company. Their car transport pricing was competitive with everyone else but the service was atrocious. We had to repeatedly call to get a pick up scheduled, they promised ‘door to door’ but that’s only if you live on a main street. They promised at least 1 day notice before pick up and drop off – we got less than 1 HOUR! Not very helpful at all. Kevin promised excellent customer service and we ended up with service way SOUTH of excellent!
When we asked for them to do the ‘right thing’ and give us some money back for the hassle – we’re still waiting. This is a bad operation. NOT RECOMMENDED.