- 786-675-1366
- Standard Member
6871 nw 37th ct, Miami FL, 33147
3.7 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)
Very good0%
6871 nw 37th ct, Miami FL, 33147
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I went to auto go out for frustration and shoddy work from my mechanic. I was greeted by a big guy with a very soft demena. Easy to talk to and willing to listen. They did a front end alignment. I needed one desperately because I got new tires. After completing the work( at what I considered a very fair price. $99.00)I was presented with a print out telling me how out of alignment my front and rear tires were and where they were after they completed the alignment. I was BLOWN AWAY with this report! My car is now riding PERFECT! I found oil stains on my freshly recoated driveway and emediatlly called Auto Go. I was told to come right in. They found a hose that was connected to front right differential had come undone, a all wheel drive car.( did my mechanic sabotage my car on my last visit to him?) Auto Go brought me into the garage and showed me where the leak was coming from. Auto Go reconnected the hose, stopped the leak and cleaned the oil from my under carrage and only charged me 38.00 dollars! Wow! I am impressed! I am 65 and I am good at getting a feel for people! My Ray-Dar tells me that this company is the REAL DEAL! The reason I selected them is that on their website it say 36 years in business. So, in 36 years you are either great liers or a GREAT company. I beleive the latter and they proved it too me! They are GREAT I PERSONALLY recomend Auto Go! They are now my “Go” to Auto repair company.
Ray A.
I have known John since he was in trade school. Although I am a mechanic on other equipment, I trust my vehicles to his garage only. Just good people doing a fine job on any vehicle. We intend to relocate to a Town less than one hour away but we will keep our vehicles with Auto Go.
Aaa brought our car here and not only did they charge us for a 45 dollar diagnostic that we didn’t ask for, I sent a tow truck to pick it up and when i said I wasn’t paying for something I didn’t agree to they threatened to lock my car in storage until I paid them. Completely unprofessional office lady that threatened me and the owner wouldn’t even wave the bs fee that I was forced to pay to get my van back