- www.bkktransport.com
- 888-666-2202
- Standard Member
77 W Wacker Dr # 4500
Chicago IL, 60601
2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 6 reviews)
Very good17%
77 W Wacker Dr # 4500
Chicago IL, 60601
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I found this company through Shiply. The man I was talking to spoke of how I needed to pay a deposit on numerous occasions but wouldn’t give me a date, time or any inkling of how this whole thing works.
Its the worse company in terms of bargaining up the price, and then making you feel like they do you a favor. We are an auto dealer in Southern CA and we ship cars across the country, we have never seen such a bad company with bad driver attitude like this. Stay away from them, they will hurt you anytime. Hope you find this review helpful. Their number is 773-467-7917. They spare no time and no dignity and curse you in your face if you are not following their will. We used Central Dispatch and get a lot more shippers who are more genuinely good and hard-working people who deserve your earned trust. These people are not good at all.
This has to be one of the worst auto transport companies in the U.S.. I arranged for an auto transport from Blacksburg, Virginia to Madison Wisconsin. About a week after the first available shipping date I still had not heard from the company. No emails, phone calls or text messages. At this point I decided to call and figure out what was going on and why I had not been contacted. When I called I was met with a man who told me that he was “Just planning on calling me” and he said that they had experienced some delays due to covid and some other issues. He told me that after the weekend they would get a driver to pick up my car and at this point it is Friday. I understand things happen and was ok with that, just a little confused as to why they hadn’t called to tell me that earlier instead of making me wait and eventually have to call myself. Well, 4 days pass and I get a call on a Tuesday morning that a driver would pick up the car in an hour. This gave me no warning in advance, especially considering they had already guaranteed a 4-24 hour minimum warning period for when I had to be ready for the pickup. Everything is still fine at this point, I had waited 10 days but at least the car was being picked up. So I wait for three hours with no calls or any sign of the driver. I then call the same man I had spoken too before and he told me he had no idea what was going on multiple times even though he was managing my transport? He then tells me I need to call a dispatcher and the truck driver to get the information (I ended up calling 6 difference numbers, and after a conversation with the dispatcher who ignored all of my following calls I finally get the number for the truck driver who tells me they changed his route and that the pickup wouldn’t happen for at least another 6 hours. Well 6 hours pass and still nothing from anyone. So I call the truck driver again who tells me that his truck broke down and that someone was supposed to call and tell me this happened (I never received a call) and then the truck driver says hell call me back with new information. Another day passes and I get a call from management asking how the pickup went. They somehow didn’t even know the truck that was picking up my car had broken down. So at this point i’ve been waiting for 11 days with no auto pickup and management cant give me a day for the next available pickup. Finally I just ask for a refund and this guy tries to tell me they are the best transport company in the country and starts making up more excuses, despite the fact that in 11 days I hadn’t even received a single call from them and I had to go hunt down answers.
Also the man that was on the phone was fairly rude during the entire ordeal, so i would say don’t go with this company. Some people might get their vehicles delivered, but overall it seems like a hit or miss process where management has no idea what is going on or who is driving under them. Order from BKK transport at your own risk.