- (888) 993-3367
- Standard Member
1325 Main Ave
Sacramento CA, 95838
2.7 out of 5 stars (based on 6 reviews)
Very good0%
1325 Main Ave
Sacramento CA, 95838
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had a great experience with Lyudmila and her team of pros. so straightforward and helpful and the best quote i got! they picked up our newly bought used car from the dealership and delivered it cross country in 5 days with less than 5 days notice !! thank you for a great experience abd saving us money bc we didn’t have to rent a car!
I really don’t recommend doing business with these guys Brothers Motors. I left my truck on their territory for repair I closed it and left them the truck key. These guys changed the cylinder on the trailer hydraulic system for a month. Although this can usually be done in 2 hours. When I returned to them, I saw that my truck was robbed, all my documents, quadrocopter, video camera and all my personal belongings were stolen from the truck. I asked the boss of Brothers Motors Service named Alex what happened? Alex replied that they are not responsible for closing the truck even though it’s in their possession for repairt stated that is the rules and they are not to blame. Although I left them the key and closed my truck. My truck was open when I arrived and all my belongings were stolen. Alex was rude to me and refuse to show me the cameras no apology and wrote out an invoice for repairs worth more than $ 3,000. Terrible service, I plan to go to court!
This has to be the worst carrier we have ever dealt with. We have transported many vehicles before. Our vehicle was transported from California to Indiana contracted through a broker. Our car arrived in Indiana and went to pay with my credit card as my companies funds had not cleared my account. They said they did not accept CC payments and stated our vehicle would be sent to a storage facility until we could deposit money into a Chase bank account they provided to me and only then would they disclose the location of our vehicle. I deposited the cash into their account and contacted the owner and she would not let us know the location of our vehicle. She was very rude and hostile with us. We have filed a police report and the company still not hasn’t returned our car or our calls. The broker that we booked with even told the owner to let us know the location of our vehicle. Also contacted driver of hauler and he refused to disclose location..basically said she told him not to..and I have to talk to her. This left my family with only one vehicle and in order to have a car to run errands or in case of emergency I have to take & pick up my husband from work. Which has stressed and messed up the sleep of my two toddlers that are already dealing with a 3 hour time change.
I would advise too avoid this transportation company. They care less about your vehicle.
I wish we’d had looked up complaints against this company. Or broker should have known the complaints against brothers transportation.
Stay away from this shady family owned business who cares less about you and your vehicle.