- 775-410-4429
- Standard Member
2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 9 reviews)
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total thief and scam artist! he communicates with you until you pay him the $200 deposit. once he takes that from you, you never hear from him again! would have given the zero a zero star rating but had to put 1 star to post this review.
No stars the man is a loser and a thief just like it says above .
I did not look at the the reviews sent him a deposit he took it never picked up vehicle and will not answer the phone . I reported him to the better business bureau he wont respond to them either . and they wont do anything but he has no rating with them . The reason he got a star it would not enter without one .
This company is a SCAM. They will take your money $200 and will tell you that the dispatcher will be in contact with you. I have schedule a pickup if my SUV and now JP is not only is he not returning my phone calls, the company is not responding to emails either. I am a service member in the United States of America and I do not want anyone else to get robbed from this company best direct shipping. Futher investigating the company I saw that someone else was in the same or similar situation with the same outcome. I plan on reporting this company to the Better Business Bureau bureau also known as the BBB. I am out of $200 but I pray that people see thus message before they go to this company. Once again Best Direct Shipping is a SCAM. If anyone will like a copy of the email please let me know.