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I had a shipping company that used border to border aunty transport from Oregon to California for two vehicles. Pickup was smooth with a arranged location close to our apartment which was helpful and worked with our schedule for pickup time.
Hired to transport my elderly 85 year old fathers beloved collectors vehicle to his residence in Oregon.
Instead, with no prior notice of their arrival day, or time, they called him from 80 miles away at 8 in the morning and wanted him to immediately drive 2 hours from the delivery address, pay them cash, and get the truck off their trailer.
When he tried negotiating with them to meet in the middle or be more reasonable, they hauled it another 279 miles away and dumped it in a “yard” that is nothing but a rural field and are holding it hostage until he finds a way to plan an 8 hour drive.
I tried reasoning to no avail. These are disgusting people that give all professionals a bad name.
Way to treat a Disabled Navy Veteran!
I had pre arranged for my credit card to be charged prior to delivery. When they got here, the driver demanded he be paid by “Zelle”, which would not have been a problem, had it been working. It was not. So what did the driver do? He got in my car and refused to get out until we paid him. Horrible experience with this company.