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- 562-944-1999
- Standard Member
9211 Sorensen Ave
Santa Fe Springs CA, 90670
2.1 out of 5 stars (based on 9 reviews)
Very good0%
9211 Sorensen Ave
Santa Fe Springs CA, 90670
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I relocated from California to Massachusetts for work, CAA transported my car.
I had a set appointment date to pick up my car, they no-showed. The driver called be the next day, barely speaking english and we set up a new appointment time.
I showed up only to find my custom order Dodge Challenger WRECKED. That made me sick to my stomach. I asked the driver what happened, he didn’t seem to have an answer, only told me to “call the number” .
They said it was a “hit and run”. Wasn’t the vehicle supposed to be on the transport truck? I’ve been dealing with their insurance company and adjusters for a month, which they seem to be hiding behind.
No police report was filed at the time of the “hit-and-run” either, so this seems highly suspicious. I’ll be following to get to the bottom of this.
One extremely happy and satisfied customer here! The broker I used, Plymouth Auto Transportation, contracted with CAA Transport to ship my son’s car from CT to CA. They told me it would be 10 days, it took 7. Can’t complain about that! Car was delivered in exact condition it was picked up. I don’t know the driver’s name, unfortunately, but he was very professional from start to finish. I’m sorry that other customers didn’t feel like they received anything but satisfactory service. From my experience, it was exactly what I wanted. Thanks again, CAA!
This company lies to their customers and has shady business practices. I’ve been trying to file a claim for almost 2 months and was totally ghosted! I finally got someone on the phone and they pretty much laughed at me and told me that I don’t have any evidence that they did anything and it’s been too long. They had me talk to almost 4 different people that are all on the same extension! They wouldn’t give me last names, or even let me talk to a manager! They damaged my car (Probably $600-$700 worth of damage) and they WILL NOT take responsibility for it. PAY MORE AND TAKE YOUR CAR SOMEWHERE ELSE. These people are crooks!