- -
- 562-944-1999
- Standard Member
9211 Sorensen Ave
Santa Fe Springs CA, 90670
2.1 out of 5 stars (based on 9 reviews)
Very good0%
9211 Sorensen Ave
Santa Fe Springs CA, 90670
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Wanna get a bunch of lies and bs. Let this company transport your vehicle. They will not call or tell the truth when or why they are late. Wasted more then it cost to ship the car because of delays.
This was my first time shipping my car, so I learned a lot through the process. The majority of places that give you quotes are brokers, who put a bid out to the truck drivers. So, I did not work directly with CAA until they were booked by the broker I went through. I had a great experience with CAA transport. Javier, the truck driver, was very responsive. I live in the middle of the city, so had to find a bigger parking lot to meet him in so we could load my car onto the truck. He was able to find my location on his phone and drove directly there. The same driver dropped off my vehicle in San Diego, CA, and there was not a scratch on it from the delivery process.
For anyone shipping their car from the D.C. or Arlington area – I recommend picking up in the Hayes Street parking lot near the Pentagon – there is a lot of space there and not a ton of people parking.
I’m in the process of filing a law suit against CAA Transport. They crushed my brand new car in transport and failed to tell me until they delivered it 2 weeks late. During the transport when I asked for the car’s whereabouts they lied about its location and they kept pushing out the delivery date. This has been one of the most frustrating and unprofessional
Experiences and it may result in me losing close to $40k if they do not replace my car. This business operation is highly negligent and I will do my best to put them
Out of business so that this does not happen to someone else.