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I’ve had a few local delivery companies to move vehicles to and from my place of business and couldn’t believe the damage I have received and these so called other companies would not correct the issues for me .( I don’t like to name names that’s who I am) So I heard through the grapevine about Canuck Towing so I tried these guys out…. to my surprise the office personnel are very pleasant to deal with and with the last 6 months I’ve been using them (5-6 deliveries/ month) I have nothing but great respect for them and the high quality workmanship I received. Good rates and professional drivers, I highly recommend this company they will meet your needs, thank you
They jumped my car backwards and caused serious electrical damage to my car. I put a running driving car on their trailer and they delivered a car that was not running or driving. Roy takes no responsibility and told me he would be blocking my number.
Terrible experience. Moved a couple of my vintage cars and completely mangled one of my brand new whitewall tires. Never reported it during delivery and it was only found by me later after arriving to the cars. Never responded to repeated inquiries to find out what happened. AVOID.