- 866-744-2540
- Standard Member
4030 S West Shore Blvd
Tampa FL, 33611
2.6 out of 5 stars (based on 5 reviews)
Very good0%
4030 S West Shore Blvd
Tampa FL, 33611
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I needed them to transport one of my older vehicles from Texas to my new home in Fort Lauderdale because I had plans to sell it and get a new one. I spoke with Nick and he was very professional, straightforward, and understanding. His quote was fair and factored in all the travel expenses.
I didn’t see any problems with the way they conducted business. I received my vehicle within 5 business days, which is pretty reliable customer service and performance. I would recommend them and use them again in a heartbeat.
Thanks for everything!
total crap. put in for a quote and they send your info out to everyone. you will receive non stop calls for weeks.
Do not use. This ‘broker’ will refer your contact information out to other ‘brokers’ — Waste of time. You’d be better off finding an actual company who actually transports vehicles. These brokers do not own a transport truck — it’s just a scam to make money off your inquiry. There is no benefit to use a broker. Hope I can help one person not make the same mistake I did.