- 888-207-3176
- Standard Member
8600 NW S River Drive
Medley FL, 33166
3.8 out of 5 stars (based on 31 reviews)
Very good7%
8600 NW S River Drive
Medley FL, 33166
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Excellent service , starting with pick up of the vehicle all the way to receiving my vehicle , Coastal Auto Shipping was there to help me out every step of the way . Would recommend if you are looking for a shipping company for your vehicle !
Excellent service , starting with pick up of the vehicle all the way to receiving my vehicle , Coastal Auto Shipping was there to help me out every step of the way . Would recommend if you are looking for a shipping company for your vehicle !
If you are looking for a reliable vehicle transport to the mainland this company is good. Communication was a big factor in my rating of this
company. I trusted them as this was a big undertaking for both the
transport company and myself. The manager did a good job of helping
me understand how things work and how the transport goes from
California to Virginia. All I can say is ask more questions, stay on top
of the transport, and follow up with daily emails. The lack of
communication was bad from my standpoint as I did everything that
was asked of me to do. The total for transport of my vehicle was about
$6000.00. Just be mindful when sending a vehicle.