- 954-439-3904
- Standard Member
3.7 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)
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Excellent service and clear communication. The transportation was faster than expected. A 100% recommended!
Just simply the best company for transportation!
The staff is excellent and kept me informed about the status of my vehicle!
Thanks Car Freight
I dont recommend this company at all. I received my car more than two months after I dropped my car. I had to spend hundreds of dollar renting cars to get to work. They charged me hundreds of dollars, even after I paid completely the transport of my car. If I didnt pay that money, which they never told me about when I made the reservation, they wouldnt give me back my car. Then I received my car and the truck was completely destroyed, having to pay hundreds of dollars to get it fix. Moving is enough of stress. If you dont want to have more problems, and spend three times what you thought you were going to spend, please hire another company and dont make the same mistake I made.