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Diamond Affiliate
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diamond affiliate
April 20, 2021

Terrible company. We were working with the supposed owner, Ronnie. Agreed to a specific amount and pick up, sent a confirmation, then on day of pick up was not there and didn’t have an answer as to why. We had to store our car at a yard for 3 days because we were moving. They picked it up but still had not confirmed the situation or delivery.

Irritated about the service, my mom asked if there was going to be any discount for the mess up. Ronnie called her and proceeded to yell and scream at her and tell her she was evil, vile and a horrible person. He complained that it was hard to go to where we needed our car shipped – then don’t take the job if you can’t do it! Also in the conversation the price went from the original $750 agreed upon to $1200 and if we didn’t pay that he said “I’ll trash your car!” and “I’ll drop it on the side of the road”.

My mom was in hysterical tears and there was no apology. We will NEVER use, recommend this company EVER!

You would be best to spread the word. These guys are scammers who are bullies and it seems we are not the first from the other reviews.

Katie P.
April 20, 2021

Unfortunately, I had a truly horrible experience with Tempus Logix attempting to ship my car from SF to Boston. Tl;dr is that they failed at every piece of the process, were very challenging to communicate with, lied multiple times, and ended up simply telling me to cancel the order as they couldn’t get the job done.

I know this is a challenging industry so I have some sympathy, but the lack of communication was a huge problem and overall the process was the worst experience I’ve ever had with a shipping company of any type. Zero things went well, and everything went horribly.

Scheduling and the month before:

-On 2/22, I booked a pickup with Tempus Logix and agreed to pay $300 extra for a “Guaranteed Pickup” date. The guaranteed pickup date was 3/23. I needed this because I was leaving town on the 24th which I explained in the initial call. I left this call feeling good about having a guaranteed day.

-On 3/1 I reached out just to check in and was told I’d hear closer to pickup.

-On 3/18 (5 days to pickup) I reached out to check in and was told I’d hear exact details between the 19th and 22nd.

-I received no contact on the 19th, 20th, 21st, or 22nd, so I reached out on the night of the 22nd as it was now 1 day away and they had failed to contact me despite promising to. I got no response that night.

-We’re now 0/1 on promises. This becomes a theme.

Now it’s pickup day, 3/23:

-Reminder: I paid $300 extra for a guaranteed pickup, and scheduled it a full month in advance for this day. They failed to contact me beforehand, but I still was optimistic about the car being picked up.

-This AM, I got an email reply saying they were working on it and would let me know ASAP.

-I heard nothing all day via email, phone or other. We’re now 0/2 on promises as they literally did not reach out at any point during the day.

-I called at 5pm and was told that the pickup was delayed by 1 day, to 3/24. We’re now 0/3 on promises as the ‘guaranteed’ pickup day came and went.

-This was a huge mess as I had never been told this before and was flying out of town on 3/24. Now after 5pm, I scrambled to find a place to leave the car and a person to look after it. This was a friend in town who had street parking nearby. He agreed to help handle the pickup the next day on short notice. We were promised the car would be picked up the next day.

-3/24: I fly from SF to Boston – I am now 3,000 miles away.

-The car does not get picked up. There was no proactive outreach – my friend and I had to each call Tempus to get the update that it wouldn’t happen. We’re now 0/4 on promises, and my friend has to move the car every 2 hours to avoid a ticket.

-We were now promised it would happen on 3/25, the next day.

-3/25: Pickup did not happen. We’re now 0/5 on promises with no end in sight. My friend has to leave town for the weekend and there’s no backup to the backup, so we’re kind of screwed.

-Same as before, we heard nothing and had to call Tempus ourselves. When I called they basically said “yeah, we failed, you should cancel the order”.

So I cancelled the order and was refunded my deposit (yay). At this point, I had to schedule a different moving company (Montway, who picked up the car the next week). My friend had to drive the car 50 miles to a new pickup location (a friend’s driveway in the suburbs) since we couldn’t simply leave our car in the city.

Throughout the entire process I always had to reach out to Tempus. They never reached out to give me updates. Even as things were totally falling apart, this was constant. I always had to call them, email them, and ask them the questions. There were never any apologies, sympathy or help given. It was just a rinse-repeat of them failing to get the car, promising a new day, and then failing to deliver on that, until the end. They failed on every single piece of the process and it seemed like it was just business as usual every time I spoke with a rep.

I have never experienced customer service, or just actual service, this bad across my 5+ moves including shipping my possessions and my car. This was the most stressful interaction I’ve ever had with a company and they did nothing to help alleviate that during the entire process. The fact that it ended with Tempus simply recommending a cancellation instead of helping solve the problem was just the cherry on top.

Disclaimer again that I know this industry is challenging, but this was insanely bad.

I would recommend Montway based on my experience after this fell apart and I would certainly not recommend Tempus.

UPDATE: a quality manager called me. They:

-Acknowledged that everything I said was true, and apologized sincerely, which I appreciated. This was a nice gesture.

-Offered me $100 off my next booking, which I will not use.

-Asked me to change my review to 4 or 5 stars. I am not comfortable with this.

-I appreciated them reaching out to apologize, but asking to change the review would be completely disingenuous on my part.

Conor H.
April 19, 2021

I’d give 0 stars if I could. I’m from Jersey and planned to send a car to Idaho for school. ANDREA is the person I worked with. She made sure to keep in contact with me for MONTHS, wasting my time. She called me 2 days before my car was supposed to be “picked up” to make sure we were still on. I called her a few times the day before the pickup date and she never answered my calls. Haven’t heard from her since then. I wasted so much time trusting that horrible lady. I then worked with the company Midwest Exotic Transport and they were able to find a driver in 5 days. My car was picked up today & now on its way to me in Idaho. I found this company on YouTube, “Auto Transport For Dummies.” Look them up and go with them.


Adriana M.
April 18, 2021

I wanted to ship my pickup from Seattle to Phoenix area. They were very helpful and I had my pickup within 5 days. The delivery company they contracted with was exceptional.

Sandra K.
April 15, 2021

I’m STILL waiting for a callback! I am missing a box and I have received someone else’s, called and told them over 2 months ago. I was trying to give them information to try to get someone’s family pictures back to them..still waiting! I am not even going to go into the initial service which had us wait months before they actually brought our stuff. They gave us a quote and then nickel and dimed us for more money. If you read this.. DONT USE THEM!

K H.