- www.dieselautoexpress.com
- 360-539-8600
- Standard Member
12711 NE 95th St Suite B
Vancouver WA, 98682
3.4 out of 5 stars (based on 51 reviews)
Very good4%
12711 NE 95th St Suite B
Vancouver WA, 98682
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Would definitely recommend this auto transport to other people. The pickup to delivery was a smooth transition and they delivered within the tight timeline I requested. Decently priced, would recommend!
My car was transported from Coeur d’Alene Idaho, all the way to Florida seamlessly. There was total communication with the driver, the whole way, and all the dates were just as promised. Robert who drove my car was excellent in keeping in touch and giving me updates. I would never use any other company.
My car was transported from Coeur d’Alene Idaho, all the way to Florida seamlessly. There was total communication with the driver, the whole way, and all the dates were just as promised. Robert who drove my car was excellent in keeping in touch and giving me updates. I would never use any other company.