- 8888979767
- Standard Member
2323 N State St UNIT 74
Bunnell FL, 32110
1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
Very good0%
2323 N State St UNIT 74
Bunnell FL, 32110
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This company is a scam. The phone number they gave me does not exist. All you get is a busy busy busy. This woman took my credit card told me Anton was the driver would be at my home either late last night or early this morning phone number being 1-386-245-8485. What a joke it doesn’t even exist. Isn’t it sad when we live in a country where The elderly are being prayed upon by these degenerates they grab your credit card number which I called the bank immediately and just continued so we’re not that stupid even though at 78 I’ve been scammed over and over and over again I am so tired of this nonsense when does it end? Where is Anton? Give me a call Anton I’m still waiting to have my car shipped. I’m going to report this company if it really exists to the attorney, generals, office and Better Business Bureau and that is the end of my review, I have nothing more to say except disgusted, totally and completely disgusted with the state of our country. And Ron DeSantis wants to put a prison next to Disney. That’s the latest idiot in our country who wants to be president and destroy the country totally and completely. It’s already destroyed with all the scams going on. OK post my review.
Never called with updates ,we left messages, but they never called back.
Finally after 3 days they couldn’t find a driver. We ended up cancelling 2 flights and making the 3 day drive ourselves.