- www.hawaiicartransport.com
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3.5 out of 5 stars (based on 79 reviews)
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I did not ship with this company, but so thoroughly didn’t enjoy their sales tactics. They lied and said only two ships arrive in Maui PER MONTH. This is crazy and easy to see is not true just by googling “Matson Hawaii Schedule.” They claimed every other broker was a scammer and only they had the correct dates and that it would take 6-8 weeks no matter what. This is also just not true according to so many other brokers I checked with. I suggest doing your research and being careful if you consider using them. Check out Montway (who I got much better vibes from) for a larger organization that gave me more details and didn’t use the toxic high-pressure tactics.
I did not ship with this company, but so thoroughly didn’t enjoy their sales tactics. They lied and said only two ships arrive in Maui PER MONTH. This is crazy and easy to see is not true just by googling “Matson Hawaii Schedule.” They claimed every other broker was a scammer and only they had the correct dates and that it would take 6-8 weeks no matter what. This is also just not true according to so many other brokers I checked with. I suggest doing your research and being careful if you consider using them. Check out Montway (who I got much better vibes from) for a larger organization that gave me more details and didn’t use the toxic high-pressure tactics.
[Edit] – 0 stars. Absolutely unreliable and unprofessional.
Scheduled my vehicle pick up over a month in advance and was assured that residence pick-up the morning before we left would be no problem at all. A few weeks later I called to modify the address and verified the date was still good and was reassured everything would be fine. I called a few times before today last week and hung up after 20-30 minutes on hold each time. Fast forward to today, 4 hours past the agreed pick up time and I finally got someone to pick up the phone in Hawaii.. I was told that they had not selected or contracted a carrier at this time and it may be 2-5 days. I informed them I leave tomorrow at 4am from VA to HI and that I was assured multiple times that this would not happen.. Their advice was to “call back at the end of business and we will let you know if we have found someone – but you may need to leave it at the hotel.” But they arent liable if it gets towed by the hotel.. yeah – no. So we have 14 hours before we hop on a plane and a vehicle stuck in Virginia with no carrier..
I will modify this assuming they find someone to pick this up today, on the agreed upon and confirmed pick up date, but if not, AVOID AVOID AVOID.
How the heck are you going to assure a customer, who you know is shipping the day before they leave that the date is fine, not have any contact with them days before hand, and then say, “we haven’t selected a carrier yet”.
[Edit 1] – They found someone! . . . for next week and asked if I would still be available. No. No I won’t. I literally check into Hawaii tomorrow. WTF. How do you “forget” that you are scheduled to pick up a car today, or “forget” to select a carrier a month in advance after the customer calls 2-3x. They should be liable for this..
[Edit 2] – No go. They were unable to assist and unwilling to offer a discount or compensation for their failure. They passed it off on me saying that they cannot guarantee any pick up date, company, time, or service at all.. Yet that wasn’t what they said last month or the times I called leading up to today.
I am using a separate company who informed me that Hawaii Car Transport is probably the worst option available and that a good number of their clients come from customers who had Hawaii Car Transport “forget” about them..
Do. Not. Use. Hawaii Car Transport.
I will be speaking to the DoD Shipping Office regarding this company and suggesting a PSA be put out regarding it.