- www.hillslogisticsllc.com
- 8032332753
- Standard Member
136 Forum Drive Suite 4
Columbia SC, 29229
1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
Very good0%
136 Forum Drive Suite 4
Columbia SC, 29229
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I was extremely disappointed this morning when I tried calling this company to address my concerns about the lack of safe driving by one of their operators. When I called and spoke to whom ever answer the phone and voiced my concerns about the driver texting while on the freeway traveling at over 60 miles an hour, she immediately began making excuses and tried to explain to me that their drivers are issued phones for delivery communication. This is no excuse for unsafe driving practices. my experience in just trying to communicate with this company about safety leads me to never want to use them to transport anything. I am extremely disappointed in their lack of concern for the public safety.
Worst “Logistics” company I have ever encountered. John called on a Tuesday and scheduled a delivery for a mattress I ordered through “Sheraton at Home” for that Friday, at a time in which I would need to have someone at my home to accept the delivery, because I was out of town. Not only did they fail to deliver, they didn’t even have the courtesy to call. I called the Hill Logistics phone number, 501-375-4445, and got an answering machine. The message contained an “after hours pager number”. I paged it several times, and never heard anything back.
I still do not know what is going to happen, as The Sheraton at Home is telling me that Simmons Mattress Company has a contract with Hill Logistics, so I HAVE to use them to deliver my mattress. I am NOT happy I have to use them, they do not deserve a DIME of anyone’s money. This Company is terrible at communication, terrible at following through, and the fact they are legally allowed to have the word “logistics” in their name is a complete joke.