- www.horizonautoshipping.com
- 281-488-2604
- Standard Member
17000 El Camino Real
Houston TX, 77058-2633
1.3 out of 5 stars (based on 11 reviews)
Very good9%
17000 El Camino Real
Houston TX, 77058-2633
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Very disappointed using Horizon. I imported a vintage Land Rover from Europe and, unfortunately, go paired up with Horizon for the import and shipping process. They made countless promises to provide a status update and never followed through. They even told me the vehicle was enroute and scheduled for delivery the next day, only to later find out it hadn’t even been picked up from the port in Baltimore. Overall, it took almost four months (yes… FOUR MONTHS) to ship it from Baltimore.
Highlights –
– Repeatably promising updates or actions and then not following through
– Issued bad shipping details so the drivers assigned to pick it up constantly cancelled (5 different driver attempts) with different excuses each time
– Very poor customer service throughout – bad communication, bad updates, and bad business getting things done the right way
I know vehicle shipping has gotten harder since COVID, but the standard is higher than this. It has to be higher than this.
Terrible Customer Service, No empathy, Constant excuses, This company have my car sitting in Jacksonville docs already for 4 weeks, Everyday I get an excuse that there are no drivers to pick up my car. I have to chase them down via emails and phone calls, and the excuses continues. GARBAGE
This company does not care about its customers. My car spent almost 4 weeks at the port after paying them to deliver it to my house. Their cistomer service is terrible and they never cared to call me back or keep me updated about the status of my vehicle. I ended up having to rent a car for several weeks because they did not secure a driver to deliver my vehicle. Every time I called them I received a different story and none of the stories were ever the correct one. I emailed them on several occasions and hardly ever received a response email in an appropriate amount of time and that’s if I even received an email back at all