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I hired this company under the name of Motoshippers but each phone call comes up as Huntington Beach Hauling. As stated by another customer, “very horrible service”! Although Tim seem like a nice guy the service of his company left me very frustrated and cost me loss of money to which he was unable to consider resonable compensation. Tim picked up my 2020 Harley Davidson Road Glide Special in Florida on 10/09/20 with a contract stated to arrive 10/14 and no later than 2 days within that time frame. It had 67 miles on it as it left the dealer for installs. I called Tim on the 10/14. He stated he was in Dallas Texas and don’t know why I thought it would be delivered on the 14th so convincingly I had to find the contract and email it to him. I told Tim based on our agreement I agreed to a motorcycle run with my club, payed dues and hotel costs for the trip on 10/18. Tim stated oh it definitely want be there be Friday the 18th. It will be there by the end of the weekend 10/20. I called Tim on 10/16 to explain how much money I would lose and hopefully he could make it by Friday. He had excuses and was still in Dallas. It’s only 15 hour drive from Miami to Houston last time I drove. After 8 days of pickup he was still in Dallas. Wanting my motorcycle undamaged and no further delays I didn’t argue with Tim. On Friday the 18th I called Tim. Tim never calls to report an update, ever. I was told “good news I just made it to Arizona”. I should be there by Weds or Thurs 10/23 or 10/24. For all my troubles Tim offered me a $100 deduction of my $900 total. As we continued in this conversation Tim stated he had to go to Vegas and LA before he reach Oakland so Wednesday or Thursday is expected but I’ll definitely have it and be riding by 10/25. As irate as I was and thoughts wandered of my Bikes safety I kept calm and didn’t prolong argument. I figured if it’s not here by Friday the 25th, I’m reporting it stolen as it’s well insured. I get an email on early afternoon of Tuesday 10/22 as I was planning to call again. Tim said the Bike should be in Oakland late 10/23 because he was already in California. I drive to Southern California for work and LA is only a 5 hour drive. About 2:45pm on 10/23 I get a text from Tim that he will be on location in at 3:45 to 4:15pm. Needless to say I was frustrated, stressed but also relieved to get my bike. At which point I told him he cost me a lot of money and we need to discuss the payment. He said “I’m not going to negotiate. I’ll just put a lien on the Bike if you don’t pay me all of my money. You wont be able to sell it or anything untill I get paid” Then he demanded $50 more than I contracted the shipment for even after I told him the broker priced me for $50 less than his contract say. After all of this we had to call the broker to get the final payment straight over $50, after Tim was 9 days late. The conversation got heated as he stated he’s not making any money off this he already gave me $100 and kept stating payment on the contract but the fact the delivery date on the contract should have been 9 days ago, and at latest 7 days ago as stated on the contract meant nothing to him. The bike was super dusty and dirty for supposedly being in an inside trailor. This brand new bike with 2 miles at purchase in Florida, 67 miles leaving HD after installs and picked up for delivery had 72 miles on it. It shouldn’t take a quarter of a mile to load and unload a bike. After he left I observed that my rear passenger pegs were down and super dirty and grimy like dirty boots were on them. I had never put the pegs down because I haven’t even ridden a passenger yet. I believe Tim had a nice joyride with a passenger, while I was stressfully waiting for delivery. I would never use Tim or Motoshippers ever again!
I agree with the previous review about TIM WIEG of HUNTINGTON BEACH HAULING. TIM IS RUDE AND ARROGANT, AS WELL AS A LIAR. The fact is, I was ready to cancel a Uship agreement with Tim after the rude and arrogant attitude I got from him over a minor scheduling problem. His driver, Erick, called me and saved the whole deal from unraveling. Tim Wieg LIED about me on Uship. He claimed the driver had to wait 2 days to pick up my shipment, WHICH WAS A BLATANT LIE! He claims I didn’t compensate his driver for waiting ONE day for the car to be ready through no fault of mine, which was ANOTHER BLATANT LIE. Erick was compensated $150 for a ONE day delay. Tim Wieg claimed I knew the car was going to be delayed and didn’t tell him. Also a lie. I found out that the FedEx paperwork was a day late getting to the dealer about the same time Tim found out. That was due to a problem with the dealer’s shipping label that I knew nothing about at the time. I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND TIM WIEG OF HUNTINGTON BEACH HAULING TO ANYONE!
The company comes off as reputable, with many positive reviews. What you find when things don’t go correctly is a very angry, malicious and exact opposite Tim Weig. Make sure you communicate with him solely in writing and never over the phone whenever possible. He will lie to get out of an insurance claim, no matter how minor the fix. Don’t expect to use this company if you want things delivered exactly as they have been shipped. He also will go out of his way to dupe by twisting your own words. He bid on moving my Piaggio BV 350 through UShip and even went so far as to ask for the delivery code prior to pick up so as to not get in trouble with the company. Please contact me if you want further specifics or photos of the conversations we have had. I would be HAPPY to share!