- 800-553-1828
- Standard Member
2240 SW 70th Avenue
Davie FL, 33317
3.8 out of 5 stars (based on 88 reviews)
Very good7%
2240 SW 70th Avenue
Davie FL, 33317
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I truly wish this had gone better, but Damir Miller at Mercury is just a broker who found me a carrier. He also hooked me with a lower estimate and then raised his fee from $135 to $255 upon acceptance of their services.
The actual auto transport company, Spark Prime Logistics, switched drivers at the last minute and then only gave me an hour window to deliver my car to a previously unknown location which was 13 minutes away.
Because my car was delivered from Illinois to California a day late, I incurred car rental charges and had to drive to a drop off spot a half mile away.
The icing on the cake is that although I accepted the contract, I still receive daily emails from Mr. Miller asking if I want to use his services for this exact same transport, and of course at a lower cost. Ugh.
Don’t use this company. Once they had the first half of the payment never heard from them again and had to go pick up my car myself.
The salesperson Damir Muller was extremely rude and harassed me over the text msg after I canceled the order. This is the worst experience I’ve never had. I’m glad the I sensed the unprofessional of Mercury and canceled the order before it was too late.