- 800-553-1828
- Standard Member
2240 SW 70th Avenue
Davie FL, 33317
3.8 out of 5 stars (based on 88 reviews)
Very good7%
2240 SW 70th Avenue
Davie FL, 33317
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When write reviews, I try to supply only the facts. I believe that the facts of the experience with the entity, not my opinion on feelings, are most effective in helping you to determine whether or not you want to proceed with this company.
Jim, the rep that I spoke to, said the following:
* The truck was in Miami and that it would be in Jacksonville ready to pick up my vehicle on 8/2 or 8/3. (Today is 8/1)
* Mercury would charge a $180 broker fee.
* The transporter would charge $805. I’d be required to pay this when the car reached its destination. This could be paid via cash or card. I should reiterate that this would need to be paid upon delivery of the vehicle at its destination.
Note the two screenshots that I’ve provided. One screenshot has the amount of $805 as the “total tariff”. Then, it asks for the credit card number and specifically says “We will process a charge to your credit card based on the payment terms on the previous page.”
The problems here:
1) Based on the screenshots, it appears that I’m going to be charged $805. This doesn’t align with what I was told via phone about having to pay the transporter directly at the destination.
2) Based on the screenshots, there’s no mention of the $180 fee. It’s possible that it may have been mentioned later in the contract, but seems a bit odd that they would require my card number BEFORE sharing that information.
3) Due to the highly dishonest nature of so many transport agencies, I don’t think that my request for clarification was unreasonable. However, Jim would hear nothing of it.
Based on this information, I have granted 1 stars, and would have granted 0 if that were possible. I’ll leave it to you to determine, based on these facts, if you’d like to provide Mercury with your transportation business.
Also, sorry Jim for telling you to f*** yourself. I shouldn’t have done that.
Jake Horner was the person that set me up, but wasn’t in the office half the time & it was Ryan that finish the transaction with me. I was quoted $1,325, but was told that it’s basically like an auction, after back & forth, ended up at $1400 to go from BMW Madison, Wisconsin to Orange County, Southern California. They contracted out to SAP Transport. Was originally suppose to pick up on Tue, then rescheduled to Wed, then the driver never showed up, and ended up picking up on Thurs. I had to call SAP myself multiple times, and wasn’t updated by Mercury. I mean all in all, the car got to me safe & as described, SAP got me the car 2 days early & delivered on July 4th at 9pm, right when the fireworks were about to start, but it got here, safe & early. However, Jake & his emails prior to me choosing them were very informative & instill more confidence then some of the other brokers.
I wrote a review that was very unfavorable, however I recd call from Jeff Solomon from Mercury and was convinced that they really messed up my transportation home at the last minute which caused me great distress.
He was extremely apologetic so I will call this company next time, because everybody deserves a second chance.
John C Boston,Ma.