- 8002166045
- Standard Member
5010 NW 112th DR
Coral Springs FL, 33076
1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Very good0%
5010 NW 112th DR
Coral Springs FL, 33076
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We unfortunately had a terrible experience with this “business”. The gentlemen was quick to book our reservation and take our $300 deposit, informing us of a recent customer that they shuttled from her car drop off site to the airport free of charge. We were told that the timeline we were hoping to receive our car in would not be a problem. He was going to look up a good place to meet us near the airport, we would drop our car off , it would be shipped within a few days and would more than likely arrive at our destination soon after we did. The day of our flight arrived with NO WORD as to a meeting point or whether our car would even be able to be shipped. This is, of course, after SEVERAL failed attempts to contact them to confirm details–such as the free ride to the airport that we were told about. As we were checking our luggage at the airport, we hear from this company. We had to drive our car 15 min. to an obscure long term storage lot where a truck would come and pick up eventually. The shuttle to the airport he was so excited to inform us about? Well, it turned out that that lady had gotten a ride because “she was really nice”… SERIOUSLY??? Sparing the gory details, we paid to have our car stored for a week until it was picked up by family members because we heard no word on whether or not it was going to be shipped. We canceled on them and didn’t have to pay the $300 because they decided to book us with a contract that had only been exchanged by e-mail i.e. they didn’t have my or anyone in my family’s signature– the only good thing that they did for us. If I could give this place a negative score, I would. Avoid this company like the plague!