- 877 954 6423
- Standard Member
4301 Oak Circle Ste #25
Boca Raton FL, 33431
1.6 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
Very good0%
4301 Oak Circle Ste #25
Boca Raton FL, 33431
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Made a plan to ship my car and stopped responding and never gave any explanation. Told me they would pick up the car between 2-4 and waited and no call and nobody showed up
NIce auto transport dispatched a car to be transported by my company and after several attempts they still did not pay for the delivery. Mr. Kevin – a representative for the company does not pick up the phone, does reply messages. In result my company will sue Nice Car Auto transport in small claims court. By the way, the compensation for the delivery of that vehicle was only 300 dollars. I don’t recommend any transporter to deal with this company, As well as customer to deal with the company like this.
The car transport business in general is a sketchy business. But this one operated by a pizza shop person, Kevin Bergman, is the worst business I have dealt with in many years. Kevin is a broker and does not own his fleet. Therefore a request is submitted by Kevin into a central booker and then it goes into neverland.
We submitted a request months ahead and gave dates that we needed our car picked up in Florida and was assured that everything was all set. We started calling several days prior to the pick up and could never reach Kevin Bergman (phone calls get forwarded to other numbers than one listed on website). This continued for at least 5 days and we began to panic because we were in a rental and needed to be out of the house the first of the month. Two days prior to having to leave the house we hired a private individual to drive the car, which was double it would cost to be taken by a transport carrier.
I could go on and on but read all the reviews and see that this business is a sham. Whatever you do – find a legitimate transport company – not easy and definitely stay away from this guy!