- 1-800-292-4588
- Standard Member
12812 Garden Grove Blvd
Garden Grove CA, 92843
4.1 out of 5 stars (based on 65 reviews)
Very good0%
12812 Garden Grove Blvd
Garden Grove CA, 92843
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I had a vehicle relocated from Washington State to Orland Park, IL
I couldn’t have gone smoother.
Communication with Orange Auto Transport was fantastic!!!
I had to change the dates a couple times due to our place wasn’t ready yet & I dealt with Tiffany who was outstanding & made the process VERY smooth & stress free!
I wasn’t even charged any extra fees for changing the dates!
I would absolutely use them again!
Thank you again
Michael Feehan
I had a vehicle relocated from Washington State to Orland Park, IL
I couldn’t have gone smoother.
Communication with Orange Auto Transport was fantastic!!!
I had to change the dates a couple times due to our place wasn’t ready yet & I dealt with Tiffany who was outstanding & made the process VERY smooth & stress free!
I wasn’t even charged any extra fees for changing the dates!
I would absolutely use them again!
Thank you again
Michael Feehan
I used Orange Auto Transport to broker the deal with the company who picked up my Porsche 911 which I needed shipped from Los Angeles to Georgia. They were super kind and friendly on the phone to help organize everything. Amanda was amazing. I used a Apple Tracker to keep an eye on my car the entire time. This is a great trustworthy company!