- 516-696-6905
- Standard Member
86-44 121st street
Richmond Hill NY, 11418
1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 40 reviews)
Very good0%
86-44 121st street
Richmond Hill NY, 11418
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My call got disconnected and the salesman or seller told me “Stop being an idiot and reacting like an uneducated person”
“You hang up my call this is tell that how much you are educated”
“You can say I dont need, but you think better to hang up”
My call got disconnected and the salesman or seller told me “Stop being an idiot and reacting like an uneducated person”
“You hang up my call this is tell that how much you are educated”
“You can say I dont need, but you think better to hang up”
Definitely a scam. If it’s not, then horrible customer service. They offer a low price and try and force you to sign paperwork right away. Very sketchy.