- 480-426-9233
- Standard Member
1955 W Baseline Road
Mesa AZ, 85202
2.4 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
Very good0%
1955 W Baseline Road
Mesa AZ, 85202
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Couldn’t ask for a better experience. Driver was running late on pick up but called and let me know so good communications. Shipped our Jeep from Phoenix to Sioux Falls SD. Our son received it and said everything went great on his end as well. Highly recommend Joanne and company!
I want to ship my car North Carolina to Florida, have called them and girl on the phone said fill out the form for a quote on their website, I get NO response. They are leaving $$$ on the table. Filled out the form 3 times
My experience You decide: Unbeknownst to me Steel Toy Carriers used MJ Parker Trucking to transport my 1967 Shelby GT 500 clone, a $140,000 car, from Lees Summit, MO to Annandale, VA. Ken Currier, Steel Toy Carriers owner, steered me away from other carriers by stating he does not broker out cars like other carriers and has a $2 million carrier insurance policy–best in the industry. This convinced me to use his trucking outfit. However, to my dismay, Steel Toy Carriers did not deliver my car as had been agreed. MJ Parker Trucking delivered the car and damaged the clutch in the process. According to their employee as the driver unloaded my car, a heavy rubber burning odor was coming from the front end of my car. The carrier driver believed the odor was from a burned clutch done by his partner. He hoped that the clutch did not burn too long or too much. The car also had fingerprints and sweaty palm prints about the car as if it had been pushed. The lower console was marred and there was a shallow dent on the passenger fender I was unable to photograph but was able to photograph the dent on the driver side front fender.
My e-mail to Ken Currier complaining about this event remained unanswered until today. Ken Currier baited me and then opted out the job and now it appears has no liability from his mentioned $2 million carrier insurance policy. I am going to have the clutch checked for the extent of the damage and possible replacement.
Today July 3rd Ken Courrier by e mail stated that he did not broker the job but gave the complete move to a coop partner as he personally could not. In addition he stated that I could not go legally against his insurance since Not a Steel Toy BOL or a Steel Toy transporter was used. He stated that I refer my claim to MJ Parker and did not disclose his insurance carrier upon my request. I located his liability carrier on line as well as that of MJ Parker as they also failed to disclose upon request as well.
My response to Ken Currier on July 3rd: I see. You did not notify me in this regard (gave the complete move to a coop partner ) but you did put out there your 2 million insurance policy in the effort to get my business and are now stating it does not apply and led me to believe your company not a coop partner would be doing the job.