- 417 588-4920
- Standard Member
145 Evergreen Parkway
Lebanon MO, 65536
2.5 out of 5 stars (based on 6 reviews)
Very good0%
145 Evergreen Parkway
Lebanon MO, 65536
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All around one of the worse enclosed car haulers out there. Some Good drivers but management needs help. Damage claims are generally discarded unless they are forced. It generally takes some kind of legal action.
After 30 days they did not pick up the car as contracted. Waited another 60 days and many calls about scheduling a pick up date. 90 days I was strung along saying I should be on the schedule soon. The seller is now moving and the car will be put outside his garage on a public street. My final call to Passport Transport the representative lectured me on the word logistics and told me I should contact another transport company since I am now in a bind to move the car. Poor customer service and failed to deliver on contract. I though going direct with a transport company would be a great experience and build a good relationship for future vehicle moves. Sadly it was a terrible experience with Passport Transport. Going back to for my shipping needs.
After placing my online order, I was contacted by two selling agents regarding my transport. Both assured me separately that my quoted pickup window would be met.
As that deadline approached, I still received no updates and when I called was told that it would take another MONTH before they could pick up my vehicle because there was a shortage of drivers due to them being hospitalized. I asked if there was anything i could do as i was paying for storage and didn’t want to pay another month. I was transferred to a supervisor who never returned my call. Not only do they have a logistics and customer service issue but apparently a safety issue as well.