1.9 out of 5 stars (based on 8 reviews)
Very good12%
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Do NOT recommend. This company makes assurances for pickup windows that they know that they are unable to honor and then blame it on their drivers. Very poor communication, had to call several times and try different numbers to get a hold of someone to get the status of our shipment. Wish I had read their other yelp reviews before picking them. Do not pick this company if you want honest, reputable service, learn from our mistakes!
Portkick was the first to place a bid for our shipment on Uship. From the moment we accepted we were very satisfied. They quoted a reasonable cost and even worked with us on it. As this was our first time shipping a vehicle we were guarded in our expectations, but the whole process turned out to be easy-peasy with Portkick! They provided all the necessary info needed in a clear manner prior to the delivery so we were ready. As it turned out, we received the vehicle 2 days ahead of the estimated arrival date! We were very happy with the carrier driver and our experience as a whole.
To make this simple for those considering Portkick, they’re unorganized, unprofessional, misleading, will accept bids for timeframes they can’t fulfill and then not answer repeated calls about the delivery or where your car is in the process. Only after having Uship mediate their lack of communication were we told our car would be a week late because they did not have anyone available to drive my car the last 1:10 hr to our home; so my wife had to pickup the car in order to not miss more work. I previously worked with another Uship Carrier, Bell Family Long Haul, who stuck to the requested delivery date, communicated throughout the process, and were friendly to work with. I cannot say the same for Potkick, I would recommend to keep searching.