- www.rnrlogistics.com
- 888-688-2870
- Standard Member
225 E Broadway Suite #207
Glendale CA, 91205
1.4 out of 5 stars (based on 9 reviews)
Very good0%
225 E Broadway Suite #207
Glendale CA, 91205
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I’ve opted for this
They not only quoted higher but she was rude and beware of your conversation. Whatever you are texting is clearly visible by the car dealer. But do the business and hence prices are higher.
I’ve opted for this
They not only quoted higher but she was rude and beware of your conversation. Whatever you are texting is clearly visible by the car dealer. But do the business and hence prices are higher.
I had a great experience with this transportation company, moving my honda accord from CA to OK. Rose kept in touch as my move date approached in June and put me in contact with a driver. It only took 4 days to arrive at the destination without any problems.
Rose was honest, helpful, and responsive throughout the entire time. You just have to leave a message and she usually gets back to you on the same day. Being my first time using such a service, I was anxious – but looking back I see that there was no reason to be.
Highly recommend and would use RNR Logistics again in the future!