- (877) 744-7889
- Standard Member
Canton MI, 48187
2.9 out of 5 stars (based on 11 reviews)
Very good0%
Canton MI, 48187
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Car shipped from New York to the Midwest. Communication and delivery was great, very professional. Driver went over everything about the car. Would highly recommend.
Car shipped from New York to the Midwest. Communication and delivery was great, very professional. Driver went over everything about the car. Would highly recommend.
i bought 2 cars at the Mecum car auction in Arizona on 3-8-24 . reliable transport had a booth set up to offer their delivery services for auction participants. I hired reliable to deliver both cars to South Carolina a cost of $5500 paid up front. As of today 3-22-24. i have no idea when my cars will go on a truck. Reliable did validate that they have my cars in their storage facility today but still do not have a scheduled pick up or load date that they could share. apparently i have to wait til more cars are scheduled to come to SC before they will load a truck. If you want your cars quickly or you want a reasonable schedule/plan. Reliable may not be your best option. First class pricing with no service or communication to support the pricing. They did say that i could line up other transport if i needed them faster or wanted a guaranteed schedule, however i would owe them for storage and security on my cars while they have been at their location. What a great feeling that gives me. I will give updates on this thread regularly to tell how this story unfolds, i realize all businesses have problems, but what a good business does when it has identified a problem , separates them from a bad business. WE WILL SEE… hopefully the Reliable business manager LAUREN A. will make a comment one way or the other while we are in real time. or she may wait til they finally get delivered then offer a response.