- (530) 648-9041
- Standard Member
3420 Bristol St.
Costa Mesa CA, 92626
2.7 out of 5 stars (based on 94 reviews)
Very good19%
3420 Bristol St.
Costa Mesa CA, 92626
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Good car delivery service. Choppy communication at first but ultimately got the job done at relatively fair price in a timely manner. Mateo Richardson was my agent and did great. Ordered servcie on a Friday got car on Wednesday from SC to south FL.
Good car delivery service. Choppy communication at first but ultimately got the job done at relatively fair price in a timely manner. Mateo Richardson was my agent and did great. Ordered servcie on a Friday got car on Wednesday from SC to south FL.
Stay away from this “company”.
I should have read Yelp reviews before signing up. Here is how your experience is gonna go.
– They’ll send you a lowball offer (like way lower than anyone else) which has a cancelation fee clause of $200.
– The day before the pickup, they’ll tell you the driver cancelled and they are looking for a new driver
– They then get back to you and tell you they found a new driver at double the price and you have to sign up immediately or pay $200 in cancelation fee
In short, they don’t want to stand by the quote they gave you, but want to throw the agreement in your face when they can’t deliver on that quote. Make $200 for doing nothing, move on.
Wanna deal with that? I didn’t think so.