- (530) 648-9041
- Standard Member
3420 Bristol St.
Costa Mesa CA, 92626
2.7 out of 5 stars (based on 94 reviews)
Very good19%
3420 Bristol St.
Costa Mesa CA, 92626
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I was referred to Sonic Auto transportation by a friend to mine to have a vehicle shipped from Utah to PA. After contacting them and signing the contract, Ariana Moretti was assigned to work with me. She was responsible for locking in a driver and ensuring I was updated until my vehicle was delivered safely to my home. She was extremely communicative, polite, and kept me updated thoroughly. I really appreciated the great service from her!
Be careful with this company! We used them to ship a car from Oklahoma to California and they pulled the bait and switch. The day the truck was scheduled to get picked up, we received a call the transport was cancelled and in order to find another shipper, it was going to cost us an additional $300 from the original quote. We had shopped around before settling on this company and had thought the priced seemed too good to be true. In fact, another company we were going to go with warned us of the bait and switch, but we still decided to use Sonic. When the truck was delivered fine after all was said and done, we decided to give them another shot. Our daughter is in the Marines and is stationed in Virginia so we had to ship her car from California over there. Once again, the same bait and switch thing happened with her car where it ended up costing her about $400 more than the original quote.
Our truck and our daughters car were delivered fine in the end, but if the price seems to good to be true, it probably is! Be careful with them and dont say I didn’t warn you.
I was referred to Sonic Auto transportation by a friend to mine to have a vehicle shipped from Utah to PA. After contacting them and signing the contract, Ariana Moretti was assigned to work with me. She was responsible for locking in a driver and ensuring I was updated until my vehicle was delivered safely to my home. She was extremely communicative, polite, and kept me updated thoroughly. I really appreciated the great service from her!