- uftransportation.com
- (610) 756-7472
- Standard Member
5652 N Inkster Rd
Dearborn Hts MI, 48127
2.9 out of 5 stars (based on 22 reviews)
Very good0%
5652 N Inkster Rd
Dearborn Hts MI, 48127
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service was great all the way. kept me updated on the delivery from start to end. driver came sooner than expected and treated my motorcycle with respect.
soft straps and covered until I had picked it up
service was great all the way. kept me updated on the delivery from start to end. driver came sooner than expected and treated my motorcycle with respect.
soft straps and covered until I had picked it up
United Freeway transportation came through with my 1977 Cadillac coupe Deville transportation from Morgantown Pa to Santa Ana ca 92705, the Driver Sorbone Momov did a good taking care of the car ,Isaac the salesman did a good job too he gave me a realistic quote and didn’t change with any hidden fees, I would use UTF again in the future