- www.WeWilltransportit.com
- 810-535-5520
- Standard Member
2300 W Sample Rd
Pompano Beach FL, 33073-3080
1.6 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
Very good0%
2300 W Sample Rd
Pompano Beach FL, 33073-3080
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The owner of the company texted me today. I thought we were going to resolve the unpaid towing bill but instead I was fed more lies. He calls everyone else thugs but he is the thug.
The owner of the company texted me today. I thought we were going to resolve the unpaid towing bill but instead I was fed more lies. He calls everyone else thugs but he is the thug.
***DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY*** If you’ve had any issues with this company Please
Message me asap with your problem and your contact info, I am going to put together a class action lawsuit against all of this companies holdings and DBA’s. They are scammers to say the least. Judging buy their reviews on yelp, Facebook and the better business bureau they seem to screw people over a lot or maybe that is just their business model. My attorney will be reaching out to all those who have written their horror story on the Internet/social media outlets as well. I think they should be shut down permanently and prevented from stealing from
People. We did work for them as a vendor and they have still not paid the bill. I am having an attorney draft up a lawsuit against the company and officers for fraud and whatever else we can come up with. The customer was overcharged directly from the company to move their shipping container (above and beyond their agreed upon price) from back east to California charging them more while in transport and then the customer had to pay the truck driver even more directly as an extortion as he said he would not leave unless they paid him additional for his direct issues that were caused from the shipping company. We are the Towing company that was hired to unload the box in which case we were supposed to be paid that evening when we completed the job for them. The Person we were dealing with was Christina and she said that it was too late in the day to get us paid since they were back east and we would have to wait until the morning. We worked with them and wrapped up expecting payment the next day. Its now been 40 plus days of back and forth and the run around and we have still not been paid. They do not follow through on anything they say there. I also spoke with a supposed manager named Art who said he would get it taken care of for us and call me right back.. well well no return call(That was 4 days ago)and still no payment. Today I got more run around from Christina who said she would send off an email and cc us on it to a person named Patricia and once again no email no call no nothing.