- www.xtremerelocation.com
- 8008472848
- Standard Member
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 72 reviews)
Very good0%
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
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This place is an absolute sham.
They are terrific in getting you to send ya deposit saying they have a driver to transport ya car, but what they really do is post in on the One and only list all shipping companies use and they sit and wait for a driver to pick up the gig, Then the very next day after you sign as they say the driver is ready! you get an auto draft letter sayin
“Hello Jordan,
First, we would like to thank you for choosing Xtreme Relocation for your transportation needs.
Please be advised that we are still working on assigning a driver to pickup your vehicle.
The service that you have scheduled with us is ‘standard service’ that allows us up to 10 business days from the requested pickup day / 1st available day for pickup as 9/8, to assign a driver to pick up your vehicle.
We are working on getting your vehicle picked up as soon as possible so please update the dealer that we will keep you posted once a driver is assigned.
We do apologize for the delay and we are making sure that your vehicle will be transported to you in a timely manner.
We will keep you posted every 24-48 hours (not including weekends), rest assure that our main goal is to ship your vehicle as soon as possible for the best rate possible, we will contact you with any option that we may have.
Your patience is highly appreciated and we are confident that a driver will be assigned to your vehicle soon. We are here to assist so please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have.
It’s a racket. Then you call the manager who’s is a rude illiterate woman that’s fluffs her feathers when you wish they cancel after they have lied.
In my case I was supposed to have a driver there the very very next morning but it was all a lie .
Beware of them and most companies. These guys are the worst.
This place is an absolute sham.
They are terrific in getting you to send ya deposit saying they have a driver to transport ya car, but what they really do is post in on the One and only list all shipping companies use and they sit and wait for a driver to pick up the gig, Then the very next day after you sign as they say the driver is ready! you get an auto draft letter sayin
“Hello Jordan,
First, we would like to thank you for choosing Xtreme Relocation for your transportation needs.
Please be advised that we are still working on assigning a driver to pickup your vehicle.
The service that you have scheduled with us is ‘standard service’ that allows us up to 10 business days from the requested pickup day / 1st available day for pickup as 9/8, to assign a driver to pick up your vehicle.
We are working on getting your vehicle picked up as soon as possible so please update the dealer that we will keep you posted once a driver is assigned.
We do apologize for the delay and we are making sure that your vehicle will be transported to you in a timely manner.
We will keep you posted every 24-48 hours (not including weekends), rest assure that our main goal is to ship your vehicle as soon as possible for the best rate possible, we will contact you with any option that we may have.
Your patience is highly appreciated and we are confident that a driver will be assigned to your vehicle soon. We are here to assist so please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have.
It’s a racket. Then you call the manager who’s is a rude illiterate woman that’s fluffs her feathers when you wish they cancel after they have lied.
In my case I was supposed to have a driver there the very very next morning but it was all a lie .
Beware of them and most companies. These guys are the worst.
Great service; Karen was very helpful and courteous; the driver Ruslan was excellent, on time with the exact hour window; delivered on time and was always available to answer questions on his cell phone. Highly recommend and would definitely use again.