- www.xtremerelocation.com
- 8008472848
- Standard Member
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 72 reviews)
Very good0%
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
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Zero stars: They were courteous and responsive up until I made my deposit. Then suddenly they were unreachable. I expected some kind of contact a day or 2 before expected pick up. I called and emailed literally 12 times. No response. No communication from them until I told them to cancel. I forfeited my deposit because In my gut I knew that they were going to string me along. I found a better company who were polite, professional, timely and informative. DONT use Xtreme!!!
Zero stars: They were courteous and responsive up until I made my deposit. Then suddenly they were unreachable. I expected some kind of contact a day or 2 before expected pick up. I called and emailed literally 12 times. No response. No communication from them until I told them to cancel. I forfeited my deposit because In my gut I knew that they were going to string me along. I found a better company who were polite, professional, timely and informative. DONT use Xtreme!!!
I m scheduled to have Moving today . So far no one called me
Also my car was supposed to be picked up and suddenly out of blue they told me that it’s standard shipping and they can pick up on any 10 days
When questioned why was not I informed of it in the beginning they said it’s all in the fine print
Now I am all packed up and still not clear if any movers will come by
I have a booking for a flight in the evening
I repent booking with them already
Will keep it posted
And their staff -Stuart , Geneva , Karen c are fooling people
Update : No one came . I have to rebook flights and ended up paying too much money for it . Also I have to arrange movers at the last minute and ended up paying heavily for that too
So now have requested to cancel contract and refund my money . Hopefully they will be ashamed of it and refund me all the money . I will look into it