- www.xtremerelocation.com
- 8008472848
- Standard Member
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 72 reviews)
Very good0%
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
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DO NOT for any reason use this company for anything!!!! they’re the biggest liars and scammers and they will take as much money as possible away from your pockets while promising their “best deals” my family moved across the country and used their service to move our car and other necessities. Not only were they over 2 weeks late, but they also charged us double the price that we were originally supposed to pay. its awful. And when you try and get a hold of them, they throw the biggest bullshit at your face to get out of giving you your money back. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this disgusting company.
DO NOT for any reason use this company for anything!!!! they’re the biggest liars and scammers and they will take as much money as possible away from your pockets while promising their “best deals” my family moved across the country and used their service to move our car and other necessities. Not only were they over 2 weeks late, but they also charged us double the price that we were originally supposed to pay. its awful. And when you try and get a hold of them, they throw the biggest bullshit at your face to get out of giving you your money back. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this disgusting company.
Beware! Beware!
On 11-20-17 I contacted this company to transport my car from Mi to Il. I spoke to Geneva and it was very clear that I had to have the car picked up by 12-1 as I was leaving on 12-3. That very day I signed the contract and gave a $150 deposit. The contract did say first day of pickup 12-1.I
thought this was the day they would pickup the car,stupid of me.
When I didn’t hear from them, I called on 1-28 and spoke to GM, Karen Cohen. She told me they were having trouble finding a driver and asked if I would meet them in Traverse City, about 30 miles from my home. I agreed and that was the last I heard from them. I called and emailed with no reply until 12-5 and by then I was out of Mi.
I was too trusting and stupid to catch the 12-1 error? I believe these people are deceitful and deceptive. Be careful of doing business with them.