- www.xtremerelocation.com
- 8008472848
- Standard Member
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 72 reviews)
Very good0%
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
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This was the first time I transported a vehicle across country – admittedly nervous, but from start to finish the service was great. From the rep over the phone that answered all of my questions to the driver that was professional and polite. Phenomenal job!! I will definitely use this company again
This company is terrible. They deceive you with the quote, giving you a very low quote and when the time comes to pick up the car, they came up with the excuse that it was my fault and that the cost was much higher because I had booked with another broker, which was not true. I had given them a deposit of $200 which they claimed that they are going to take from me. I called my credit card company and stopped the payment but they claim they’re going to keep it; we’ll see. Never use them.
This company is terrible. They deceive you with the quote, giving you a very low quote and when the time comes to pick up the car, they came up with the excuse that it was my fault and that the cost was much higher because I had booked with another broker, which was not true. I had given them a deposit of $200 which they claimed that they are going to take from me. I called my credit card company and stopped the payment but they claim they’re going to keep it; we’ll see. Never use them.