- www.xtremerelocation.com
- 8008472848
- Standard Member
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
2.2 out of 5 stars (based on 72 reviews)
Very good0%
3105 W Waters Ave
Tampa FL, 33614
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This company will rip you off! ZERO STARS They were super fast about emailing a contract and taking a $200 deposit. I received an email stating my car will be picked up within 10 days of the originally stated date with no expected delivery date unless I upgrade my service and pay more money. It’s just super shady so I emailed a request to cancel. Only then did I see the deposit was non-refundable. GUESS WHAT?! Over a week later I got a random phone call from someone saying they are going to pick up my car. I explained I had driven it myself over a week ago and had cancelled the service. THEN they had the nerve to charge another $250 for no apparent reason. Thankfully my credit card alerted me but I had to report it stolen and get a new card because who knows how much more they will continue to charge!
This company is a fraud and a sham. They will take your deposit then when the pick up is beyond the date they stop responding. They screen my calls and do not reply to texts or emails. I need my wifes vehicle here before i deploy but they much rather avoid any conversation than do their job or refund my money. Cant recommend to anybody especially vets. Extremely unprofessional and uncooperative.
This company is a fraud and a sham. They will take your deposit then when the pick up is beyond the date they stop responding. They screen my calls and do not reply to texts or emails. I need my wifes vehicle here before i deploy but they much rather avoid any conversation than do their job or refund my money. Cant recommend to anybody especially vets. Extremely unprofessional and uncooperative.